Movemeback Heads to New York!
At Movemeback we are fortunate to have members across the world – from London to Cairo, Singapore to Amsterdam. After our co-founder Charles bumped into a few of our members during his latest trip to Hong Kong, many of you have been asking when the Movemeback team will be coming to your city. Great news – this week we will […]

TEDxEuston 2015 – Vision to Reality
Do you want to shape business on the African Continent? Do you want to make a change in your life? Are you ready to make an impact? If you answered ‘yes’ to these questions then there’s one conference you need to be at this December – TEDxEuston. Founded in 2009, TEDxEuston is an independently organised TED event that celebrates the […]

Wharton Africa Business Forum 2015 – Shaping Africa’s Story
The Wharton Africa Business Forum (WABF) is the world’s longest running student-organized Africa-focused conference. This year marks its 23rd annual conference – which will be held at the University of Pennsylvania and the historic Loews Hotel in downtown Philadelphia on 13th-15th November, 2015. With this year’s theme, “My Africa Story: Lessons in business, visions for impact”, WABF will be a platform for […]

Celebrating Africa’s Tech Boom – Africa Technology Summit
Technological innovations are ripping up the rule books in business and this November the Africa Technology Summit will address the latest technological revolutions and disruptions happening across the Continent. Taking place in Accra, Ghana, key players from the latest African tech startups to global multinationals such as Google will meet at this 2-day conference in what promises to be a […]

Seedstars World: Coming To An African City Near You
Seedstars World – an exclusive seed-stage startup competition focused on emerging markets and fast growing startup scenes – has commenced its African tour. Seedstars World (SSW) has some exciting events coming up in Johannesburg, Lagos, Accra and other major African business hubs, and invite you to take part in their adventure – be it with your own startup company, or […]

TEDxEuston Salon: The Young, African Entrepreneurs Making a Difference
There are few times that I find myself the least interesting person in the room. As I saunter around I get talking to Brian, a Kenyan investment banker based in London. “What do you mean you want to wait 5 more years to go to Ghana? Go now! Africa needs you now!” I’m taking in his every word as we animatedly discuss […]

Cambridge University, 2015 Business in Africa Conference Preview
Although media outlets could do more to celebrate factors contributing towards Africa’s recent accelerated growth, it is important for those interested in Africa to not get too caught up in the frenzy surrounding its rise. Yes, Africa is growing rapidly and yes attention should be drawn to this, but high speed growth should always be accompanied with a sense of perspective, good direction […]

Africa Together 2015 Event Preview – Celebrating Africa Day at Cambridge University
We can all attest to the power of thought. How we perceive internal and external activities can have profound effects on how we approach events and deal with challenges. Hence the sensitivity of the mind stress the need for active and prospective change-makers to maintain a positive countenance towards the motherland through paying special attention to how receive the information pertaining to Africa that our minds […]

TEDxEuston Salon – Harnessing Africa's Energy
With Ghana and Nigeria’s oil and gas problems starring as headlines in recent weeks, two choices surface for the reader – to see such challenges as obstacles or to view them as opportunities. As natural supporters of the latter, we are excited by TEDxEuston‘s latest instalment in their relaxed, TEDxEuston Salons. Taking place on 13th June in London’s sophisticated Crown Plaza, the Salon (sponsored by […]