HBS Africa Business Conference – Disruption was Promised and Served
Guest Post from Nduka Nwankwo: I was admittedly excited when I learned of the theme for Harvard Business School’s Africa Business Conference (HBS ABC) this year. It was the first time I had seen “disruption” being celebrated on this scale. Growing up in Nigeria, I was often called a trouble-maker, jaga jaga, scatter scatter, master of disruption— so when I saw Harvard […]

The Art of the Side Hustle – African Reflections from Harvard
For those old enough to recall the film ‘Trading Places’ (one of my favourites), you’ll indulge me as I reflect on how a quest for speaking at Harvard started in the 80’s after watching Louis Winthorpe III (Dan Aykroyd) and Billy Ray Valentine (Eddie Murphy) exchange lives in an involuntary social experiment, with Winthorpe at one stage cursing “he was wearing my […]

2016 LSE Africa Summit Presents ‘Financing Africa’s Future’
The London School of Economics and Political Science today announced the panelists leading a discussion on Financing Africa’s Future during the business conference of its third annual Africa Summit to take place on Friday 22 and Saturday 23 April 2016. Financing Africa’s Future anticipates a look at the role of finance in enhancing Africa’s growth trajectory, and opportunities both within and outside the continent. The panel features Pratibha Thaker, Director of […]

Representing the South – Duke's Business in Africa Conference 2016
Building off their successful 2015 MBA Business in Africa Conference: Fostering Innovation Ecosystems in Africa, Fuqua’s Business in Africa Club (BIA) has announced that their 3rd Annual Business in Africa Conference will be the weekend of April 2nd, 2016 at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business. When asked about this year’s theme of Reinvigorating Innovation and Leadership in Africa, BIA […]

Africa Conference Season Begins!
Welcome to the latest instalment of your Movemeback Newsletter – bringing you exciting African opportunities, and the latest from the Movemeback Community. Africa conference season is underway! The world’s top business schools and universities are busy finalising impressive itineraries, compelling competitions and awesome after-parties. So it’s time to whip out your calendars, pencil in dates and buy your tickets.

Harvard Africa Business Conference 2016 – 10% discount with Movemeback
Harvard Africa Business Conference 2016… Need we say more?! Ok – for those of you unfamiliar with it, the Harvard Africa Business Conference brings together around 1,500 people from Africa and the diaspora, who are all passionate about the Continent. Over three fully packed days, the conference will take place in Boston, MA from February 26th to February 28th, 2016. It will […]

LSE Africa Summit 2016: 'Africa within a Global Context'
It’s back! After a remarkable conference last year, the LSE Africa Summit is back with their 3rd annual summit. This year, the Summit will explore how nations in Africa can capitalise on opportunities and address challenges shaped by their position in a Global Context. Once again, the Summit will take place over two high impact and fully charged days. Day 1 […]

Oxford Business Forum Africa 2016: 'Unreasonable Africa'
The University of Oxford’s Saïd Business School is a strong and proud advocate for greater levels of investment into talent from across Africa. In May 2014, at the World Economic Forum on Africa, Oxford Saïd’s Dean, Professor Peter Tufano, pledged for 10% of MBA students to come from the African continent, by 2018. Marking their commitment to Africa, this year the University of Oxford’s Saïd […]

Hack African Healthcare at Google Campus with WEF
UPDATE February 2017: This year’s event is taking place February 24th – February 26th 2017 and you can get your tickets here! The World Economic Forum Global Shapers present the 2016 Kopfadeyemi Challenge, a real-life hackathon with a difference. Over a high-energy weekend, teams of people from all walks of life (not just computer programmers!) will compete to solve some of […]