Results of Dalberg's Study of Diaspora Investment in Nigeria
Thank you to all who participated in Dalberg’s study on diaspora investment in Nigeria, commissioned by DFID’s Policy Development Facility. The results are out!
Guest post on behalf of Dalberg Global Development Advisors
Nigeria’s diaspora, estimated at up to 15 million people worldwide, plays a crucial role in driving growth and progress in the country. As Nigeria emerges from recession, civic and business leaders are looking to leverage the diaspora in order to mobilise development resources. Recognising the importance of diaspora engagement, the Government of Nigeria has recently established the Office of the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Foreign Affairs and Diaspora and is currently drafting a National Policy on Diaspora Matters.
DFID’s Policy Development Facility commissioned Dalberg to conduct this study on behalf of the Office of the Vice President (OVP), the Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission (NIPC), and Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) to support ongoing efforts to spur development through diaspora engagement. DFID and various Government of Nigeria agencies, including OVP, NIPC, and MFA, have launched initiatives focused on investment promotion for the diaspora to harness development resources.
This aim of this study is to understand the potential to engage the diaspora in order to generate productive investments and resources for development in Nigeria. Dalberg looked at three models of engagement, focusing primarily on the first two: (i) remittances from the diaspora to Nigeria, (ii) direct investments into Nigeria made by the diaspora, and (iii) the diaspora’s promotion of investment in Nigeria.
We employed four research methods in this study: desk research, an online survey of diaspora members, stakeholder interviews, and human-centred design workshops. Desk research involved analyses of international datasets on migration, remittances, and investments, as well as sector reports by donors, implementing partners, and think tanks. We then conducted quantitative analyses on the 175 responses we received to the survey. In addition, we conducted one-on-one interviews with stakeholders and small-group workshops with members of the diaspora in London.
Please click here to download the full report Nigeria Diaspora Study Final Report