The Global Media Project: Connecting People through Storytelling
When Kimberly Selden was invited to assist with the setup of a radio and television station in Niger, her idea for the Global Media Project was born. Global Media Project is a non-profit that utilises media and technology to connect people through storytelling, a journey which started in 2012. Originally premised on providing a platform for students to create compelling media projects in collaboration with developing countries and local communities, Global Media Project now also focuses on producing and developing original content and providing messaging strategy consultancy for businesses and individuals.
Creating a Global Dialogue
In a region like Africa which is often viewed through such a narrow lens, Global Media Project creates a global dialogue to inspire new narratives about the diaspora by utilising media and technology. Having been exposed to both the digital divide and information gap from an academic perspective as well as through practical experience in Niger, Kimberly noticed a vacuum which needed filling. By servicing these areas, the Global Media Project aims to contribute to inclusive globalisation and cross cultural exchanges.
How Media Ignites Progression
Reflecting on the Global Media Project’s contribution to Africa, Kimberly emphasises that communication and community ignite progression within society. Media is therefore an interactive process and mindsets are shifted as new narratives are formed. These cross cultural exchanges encourage creativity and freedom of expression which in turn foster peaceful relations, trust and open conversation amongst nations, tribes, religious groups, governments and individuals. Without this, socio-economic development is inevitably hindered.
Make Time For Tea
Kimberly certainly upholds the Global Media Project’s mission with great enthusiasm but equally recognises that so many people like her hold a plethora of great ideas. Without patience however, any pursuit to do business in Africa becomes an impossible reality. Learning to slow down, focus and quite simply make time for tea is seemingly the right approach. For any budding entrepreneurs seeking to delve into the region, Kimberly warns that a deep knowledge of your audience and consumer is vital. It was only by entrenching herself in the community and being a sponge to learn and gather information that she was able to gain valuable insights that have contributed to the impact of Global Media Project.
How the Movemeback community can help with the Global Media Project
Contact Global Media Project at info@theglobalmediaproject.com
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Twitter- @globalmediap
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Facebook- The Global Media Project